Sunday, February 7, 2016

Blog #9

This next semester I would like to accomplish many things but the most important to me and something that has not been done at SRV in a long time is win NCS.  Our baseball team this year is going to have a ton of fun and I want to do everything I can to be in the big game at the end.  The actions I am going to take in order to better mine and my teams chances of achieving that great feat will be related to baseball and the amount of work I put into the game.  I know that clearly winning NCS is not a personal goal it obviously takes a team effort but there is nothing more I would rather strive to accomplish at this point of my life.  One major interruption that could get in the way of my goal is injury.  That is why I am going to dedicate myself to be in the best shape I can be in and still party at the same time.  There is nothing that i need in order to accomplish this goal everything is already set for me and my teammates to accomplish it.  I am exited to get started!